Page 2 - έντυπο INFOGRAPHICS_9-2019
P. 2

“ All technologies described in this report strive to increase their respective Technology
           Readiness Level (TRL) and to reach industrial deployment. However, the low energy
           prices and other uncertainties on the market situation and political risks are common
       barriers that for the last years have been a common obstacle to overcome.

       A lack of long-term stable legislation, therefore, is an obstacle to the development of
       promising routes to reach demonstration and commercial deployment stage. This is in
       particular the case for capital intensive technologies.

       The level of innovation and belief in technology progress among the industrial parties is
       high and has led into significant progress in technology development.

       A wide range of different value chains is already being demonstrated at industrial scale.
       These value chains differ in conversion technology, the feedstocks used, the processes
       employed and the resulting liquid and gaseous fuels, and in the case of HVO is already
       producing fuels at a global scale of several millions of tonnes per year.

       Yet another set of value chains, not described in the previous report, using other

 ”conversion technologies and feedstocks have reached piloting and demonstration.
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