Joint Statement on REDII proposal

The Alternative and Renewable Transport (ART) Fuel Forum, established under EC financing and bringing together high-level representatives from the advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and CCU industry and the transport sector, has published a joint statement on the RED II proposal.

Leaders and experts in alternative fuels and transportation sectors who are part of the ART Fuels Forum urge the European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers to set dedicated, ambitious and binding targets for the use of sustainable renewable transportation fuels and to ensure policy certainty in order to stimulate investments for increased production and use of such fuels.

In the Statement, specific actions that are required to decarbonize transport rapidly, spur innovation, transform the petrochemical based industry into a biobased and circular economy sector are presented. The objective of the Renewable Energy Directive must be to establish the best conditions to optimize the use of renewable energy in transportation and to limit the use of fossil fuels.

Click here to download the Joint Statement on RED II proposal.