Position paper on Biogas Done Right

The Alternative and Renewable Transport (ART) Fuel Forum, established under EC financing and bringing together high-level representatives from the advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and CCU industry and the transport sector, has published a Position paper about the Biogas Done Right concept and its applicability for biomethane production and utilization in transport.

The ART Fuels Biomethane group strongly recommends to include the so called “Biogas Done Right” agricultural system with sequential cropping under the advanced biofuel definition in the EU legislation (RED 2009/28/EC Annex IX, Part A and RED II). It corresponds entirely to the definition in Article 2 of the Directive EU 2015/1513. The group considers the closed cycle of Biogas Done Right with food, feed and biomethane production as a most environmental friendly and low iLUC biofuel production without competing against food or feed.

