On behalf of Mr Hans van Steen, Acting Director “Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency”, of the Directorate General for Energy, and Mr Sunil Kumar, Joint Secretary (Refineries), Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, India, we have the pleasure to announce the 3rd EU-India bilateral conference on advanced biofuels to be held at New Delhi, India during 2nd-4th March, 2020. It is envisaged organising a business to business meeting by invitation only on 2nd March. The two day Conference will take place on 3rd to 4th March.
The “3rd EU-India conference on Advanced Biofuels” aims to facilitate the deployment of advanced renewable fuels in the EU and India. The conference targets primarily the technology developers, industrial players and investors of all value chains producing low carbon fuels for the decarbonisation of transport in both sides. Attention will be given to the availability of resources in the EU and India.
Further information will be announced shortly as soon as practical arrangements are completed.
Please note that there are no registration fees. If you are interested to attend please register at: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EUIndiaConferenceAdvancedBiofuel.