The kick-off meeting took place in Brussels, offices of DG ENER, on 20 December, 2016 and the participants were Dr. Kyriakos Maniatis (DG ENER Principal Administrator, Project Officer), Dr. Theodor Goumas (EXERGIA S.A. Managing Director, Project Manager), Prof. David Chiaramonti (President of the RE-CORD Consortium, Project Scientific Coordinator).
During the kick-off meeting, a project overview presentation was delivered by the Project Manager and the Scientific Coordinator focusing on the project approach, the ART Fuels Forum structure and the project task schedule. A preliminary discussion for the timing of the organization of the 1st ART Fuels Forum Plenary Meeting was also made.
The next meeting will be held on Brussels in January in order to establish a direct collaboration with the ETIP-Bioenergy platform.