Position Paper on Post 2020 light vehicle CO2 Regulation(s)

The Alternative and Renewable Transport (ART) Fuel Forum, established under EC financing and bringing together high-level representatives from the advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and CCU industry and the transport sector, has published a Position paper as response to the call for feedback in the initiative of the EC: Post 2020 light vehicle CO2 Regulation(s)

The ART Fuels Forum – Passenger Cars group underlines the importance of introducing a more comprehensive approach for assessing the environmental benefits of sustainable mobility solutions, matching this with bio/renewable alternative fuels. We take the view that the Post 2020 light vehicle CO2 Regulations initiative is a missed opportunity to achieve a considerable reduction in the carbon footprint of the entire fleet through the recognition of the uptake of sustainable renewable fuels. Such recognition is essential to ensure long term industrial investment to promote widespread deployment of advanced renewable fuels.

The ART Fuels Forum – Passenger Cars group takes the view that:

  • the largest opportunity for GHG emission reduction actually stays in the existing fleet (EU-28 250+ million vehicles vs 14 million added/withdrawn every year), and renewable fuels can play a decisive role. If 5% carbon reduction in the entire fleet can be achieved, that would equal 60% reduction in new vehicles only.

Click here to download the Position paper on Passenger Cars.