Position paper on Power-to-X

The Alternative and Renewable Transport (ART) Fuel Forum, established under EC financing and bringing together high-level representatives from the advanced biofuels, renewable fuels and CCU industry and the transport sector, has published a Position paper on the implications of the RED II proposal for deployment of Power-to-X technologies.

The Commission’s proposal in the recast of the Renewable Energy Directive to integrate more renewable energy in the transport sector via the use of, inter-alia, Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin pathway is welcomed. However, limiting the possibility for producing these fuels to either [i] a direct connection or [ii] measuring it via the EU’s renewable grid average is not enabling the potential that these fuels have in decarbonising the transport sector whilst increasing the share of renewable energy in the economy. Thus, the possibility for these fuels to be recognised using different pathways is necessary and should be acknowledged in the RED recast.

This position paper addresses industry concerns with the potential consequences of the current policy proposals for the Power-to-X pathway.

Click here to download the Position paper on Power-to-X.