Updated SGAB report: Technology status and reliability of the value chains

The SGAB report “Technology status and reliability of the value chains” has been updated under the sponsorship of DG ENER and as a side activity within the ART Fuels Forum. The updated report is broaden compared to the original SGAB report dated in 2017, including what was seen as emerging technologies.

The authors, Ingvar Landälv and Lars Waldheim, have in principle used the same methodology as in the previous version, i.e. primarily approaching developers and project owners for information, and which have been complemented by publicly available information as required. Since information has not been obtained to the same extent as in the previous report, in particular from the emerging technologies, more information from public sources has been used in this update. The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of Dr Stamatis Kalligeros in the final editing of the report.

The updated SGAB report can be found here.